
What are the main features and functionalities of Visualgest Software?
Click here to know the features.
Click here to learn about the Visualgest modules.
What is the price of implementing the software?
There is no set price for the software. The cost will depend on the customer's needs, as well as the size and complexity of the software adapted to each company.
Want to get a price? Request a demo.
How does the software installation and configuration process work?
Software installation and configuration can take place in person or online. This will depend on the size of the software and company.
Does Olifel offer technical support and training for using the software?
Yes we offer.
Does Visualgest.Net interconnect with other ERPs/Platforms?
Yes, Visualgest.Net Software has the ability to interconnect with other ERP systems and platforms such as AS400, Cegid Primavera, Generix, YET, Michelin and Create. This integration capability facilitates data synchronization, providing greater automation and operational efficiency.
What is the software licensing process like? Are there different license options?
There are two main licensing processes: Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) and by purchasing usage licensing. In the SAAS model, users access the software via the internet, which has a monthly or annual cost for using the service. While, when purchasing usage licensing, the user purchases a permanent license to install and use the software on their own systems.
How long does it take to implement and integrate the software into our company?
Installation time will vary depending on the modules/functionalities installed and the number of users of the software, however, a preliminary study is always carried out before starting the installation in order to make the customer as informed as possible.
Is there any trial or warranty period for the software?
Yes, during the first year the necessary updates and/or corrections are included in the initial pack.
What is the cancellation and refund policy if we are not satisfied with the software?
To avoid any type of cancellation, we aim to clarify all doubts, provide demonstrations and obtain validation from the customer. If you are still not satisfied, without any penalty and without the need for justification, you can request cancellation until the invoice due date. No refunds are accepted.
Is the software scalable? Can you grow with our company?
Yes Visualgest.Net is fully scalable.
Find out more here.

Hardware and Repair

What types of technology and devices do you repair?
We repair and diagnose computers, laptops, printers, monitors and routers.
How long does a typical repair take?
Repair time may vary depending on the complexity of the problem. Some issues can be resolved the same day, while others may take longer.
How do I request a repair service?
You can schedule a repair through our website, by phone, email or in our physical store.
What happens if they can't repair my device?
If we are unable to repair your device, we will advise you on the best options available, such as replacing parts, purchasing a new device, or any other viable solution.
What are the costs associated with repairs?
Costs vary based on the type of repair, the device, and transportation of the device.

Technical Assistance

How can I request technical assistance?
You can contact us by phone, email or through our online support request system.
What are your technical support opening hours?
Our technical support is available between 9am and 12:30pm and 2pm and 6:30pm.
What types of technological problems does the company solve?
We support everything from software problems, such as viruses and system failures, to hardware problems, such as data loss, hardware failures and network problems, among others.
How does remote assistance work?
Remote assistance allows one of our technicians to access your device securely over the internet. To do this, you just need to download the Olifel file online and provide the access data to the technician. This allows for quick problem resolution without the need for a face-to-face visit.
What is the typical response time for a technical support request?
Response time may vary depending on the urgency of the issue. We will do our best to respond promptly to requests.
Does Olifel offer long-term technical support contracts?
Yes, we offer long-term technical support contracts to ensure your ongoing support needs are met effectively.
Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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